Drinking is often associated with the college experience, after all college is the one time where you have the luxury to be able to study with the repercussions possibly being lower than if you were in your thirties. This is the same at UNC where greek life can play a major role in the accessibility of alcohol to underage drinkers.
UNC-CH Student Health Service educators used the same Core Institute mail survey in spring 1996. Some 429 of 800 randomly selected students replied. Thirty-seven percent of UNC-CH's respondents reported binge drinking during the previous two weeks. Slightly more than half of the male respondents and a third of the female students reporting binging. Twenty-seven percent of students reported binge drinking more than once in the prior two weeks, and more than 6 percent reported more than five binge drinking episodes during the same period. http://www.unc.edu/news/archives/nov97/cspigt.html"
Having alcohol being apart of everyday society since teenagers were 16 or 18, would the binge drinking numbers go down or increase?
I also believe that the greek life here at UNC plays a major role in the increasing of underage drinking rate. The facts you found were very interesting however not surprising. I believe if alcohol was a part of everyday society since teenagers were 16 or 18 would decrease the number of binge drinking. If teenagers weren't "new" to the situation of having alcohol readily available to them, they would not want to look cool and try and drink so much.
It is not only the fact that underage people are binge drinking, but they are not enjoying the alcohol itself. A lot of people before they turn 21 drink cheap beers that are readily available at parties. For instance a 20 pack of bud is 14 dollars where as a 20 pack of Heineken is 21 dollars. http://www.marketfinewine.com/121830 With higher prices, taste usually increases. Having the ability to go out and buy your own beer, you can have the chance to experiment with higher quality beers and perhaps become a beer connoisseur
Most kids are not going to drink just for the taste of the alcohol, but for the only reason most kids do drink, to get wasted and have a good time. If you took a survey of random people and ask them do you drink for the taste of the beer or do you drink to get hammered and have a great time? A majority are going to say to get hammered and have fun. So if they lowered the drinking age i think that they would still binge drink in college because its available and for some people its part of their lifestyle.
That is what most kids drink for now, is that because alcohol is not readily available for them, which then causes them to overuse the substance when they are luckily enough to find a source. Or would they binge drink regardless of when the drinking age is. If that is the case, then what does it really matter what the drinking age is. If someone wants an illegal substance, it is never that difficult to actually get it.
Having alcohol being a part of society at an early age would decrease the amount of binge drinking. Since kids are exposed to it earlier I think that they will get bored of it earlier. It will just be a phase in their that started and finished earlier. The college image encompasses drinking and people think that if they dont drink they wouldnt be considered as cool.
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