Many reasons have been thrown out trying to explain that the drinking age at 21 is the right thing to do. In fact not only is it the right thing to do, but it also saves life’s. With most of the world having a lower drinking age, if an age at all. Statistics are often used to try and prove that Americans are better off because of the drinking age. As with any statistic, it is needed to do some background research on how the stat was created and if they carry any true weight at all. This online magazine shows that the statistics used to try and prove that the Europeans are binge, drunk alcoholics is actually a “junk science.”
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Wow, the numbers in this article were pretty surprising. It seems like raising the drinking age only causes more teens to rebel and drink more--not exactly the desired effect. It seems to me that if someone wants to drink alcohol, they are simply going to do so whether it is legal or not. I don't really see any reason why the drinking age should stay where it is right now at 21. I know no real benefits and from the article it seems that it is doing more harm than good.
What exactly was the focus in this blog; you went from talking about how people think the current drinking age saves lives, to common misconceptions of Europeans. How do they fit in? Also, can you give some facts about deaths caused by drunk driving and their age to help support your argument?
I don't know exactly what you mean when you talk about a "junk science?" I know you state that the statistics try to prove the higher drinking age is saving lives, but how many times do you think underage teens consume alcohol? I think that this number is higher in Amercia since the drinking age is higher than in other countries, teens rebel and think it is cool drink illegaly. I wonder how many deaths have been caused by underage drinking that could have been prevented if the legal age was lowered, not putting so much pressure to be cool to drink illegally.
There are many articles that try to show that drinking is a major problem in Europe and America is better off for the higher drinking age. The problem is with the statistics they use to show that. As with anything where the data is gathered is very important when it comes to looking at the results. The article just shows that major proponents for the high drinking age may be over exagerating what actually is going on.
It is really hard to find any benifits from the higher drinking age. It would seem like one of those laws that seemed like a good idea and on paper it looked like it would help. It is known that high amounts of alcohol is not good for your system, and by restricting the use obviously you will help people. The problem with that is it turns alcohol into a substance that is desirable which often leads to overuse in underage adults. That overuse is the very same thing the law was designed to help curb.
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